50% OFF all vintage dresses! 3 days only. Ends Monday 20th April 2009, 23:59 PM EDT. Hurry and grab your favorite dress.

Picked this baby up last week. The Leisure Hour was a monthly publication circulated in London. This one here is the October 1885 issue. There are short stories, music scores, articles, news, poems, advertisements (a fair amount of insurance ad), humorous sketches and beautiful scene depicting images, even an almanac for the month on the cover.

An article, The Harvest of The River Seine, which discusses a French company's recycling effort caught my eye. When I started Treasured Little Things, it was only an interest in vintage fashion and I wanted to share my collection with others. It was never an attempt to a greener approach to the environment, a sustainable lifestyle or a waste less living like so many sellers claim to be, but after almost 2 years of selling on Etsy and Ebay, I have noticed that my wardrobe has gone from having a lot of new pieces that I hardly wear to key pieces that I love and I mix and match contemporary fashion with my vintage finds. I have reduced the amount I buy and the amount I throw away without even noticing. I am more conscious of ingredient labels, material labels and product packaging. I try to bring my own shopping bag... You get the idea. I don't know if all these changes are inspired by this vintage selling business, the constant reminder of greener living from other shops or the little facts and info from research I do with all my pieces, but I kind of like the change, feels like I'm doing something for the earth, however small and insignificant it is. I hope I have scanned it well enough for you to read it.
