Picked this baby up last week. The Leisure Hour was a monthly publication circulated in London. This one here is the October 1885 issue. There are short stories, music scores, articles, news, poems, advertisements (a fair amount of insurance ad), humorous sketches and beautiful scene depicting images, even an almanac for the month on the cover.

An article, The Harvest of The River Seine, which discusses a French company's recycling effort caught my eye. When I started Treasured Little Things, it was only an interest in vintage fashion and I wanted to share my collection with others. It was never an attempt to a greener approach to the environment, a sustainable lifestyle or a waste less living like so many sellers claim to be, but after almost 2 years of selling on Etsy and Ebay, I have noticed that my wardrobe has gone from having a lot of new pieces that I hardly wear to key pieces that I love and I mix and match contemporary fashion with my vintage finds. I have reduced the amount I buy and the amount I throw away without even noticing. I am more conscious of ingredient labels, material labels and product packaging. I try to bring my own shopping bag... You get the idea. I don't know if all these changes are inspired by this vintage selling business, the constant reminder of greener living from other shops or the little facts and info from research I do with all my pieces, but I kind of like the change, feels like I'm doing something for the earth, however small and insignificant it is. I hope I have scanned it well enough for you to read it.

There are a lot of Chanel biopics and most of them were just mediocre movie experiences for me. Last year, there was one released by Lifetime and it sucked. This one - Coco Avant Chanel, actually looks good and if it's not, at least I can drool over the period costumes oversaw by Karl Lagerfeld.
I am intrigued by the garçonne style tuxedo Audrey Tautou wears in one of the scenes. The stark black and white suit contrasts so beautifully with the sumptuous red flowing dress in the background.


an old photo of me in nautical inspired mini dress :)

very creepy Korean dolls

I used to get Barbies as x'mas presents when I was young. Everyone thought all little girls like dolls. The truth is - I was really scared of them. It isn't because I didn't think they are pretty, but when I was little, I was so convinced that they move by themselves at night. I think this fear stemmed from a pair of dolls dressed in Korean traditional costumes, a souvenir from my parents. These dolls had blinking eyes. I'm sure you girls came across these kinds at some point. When you lie them flat; their eyes close and when you stand them up; their eyes open. I was very disturbed by that eye blinking mechanism. They were placed opposite of my bed on a dresser. I would refuse to go pee at night, because I thought if I move they move. Yes, it was all very silly.

Last week, my mom asked me to go home and figure out if I need any of the stuff in storage, so she can make space for her clothes (Yes, she hoards, she has kept most of her clothings from her 20s and I want them and she refuses to let me have them). First box: crayola crayons, 5 boxes of them, all missing half the colors. Artworks from elementary school and a few toys. Second and third box: yarns and more yarns, my attempt at knitting and crocheting. Also some old photos. Forth box: Unwanted presents through out the years, specifically Barbies. Still in their packaging, looking all pristine behind the plastic panes. Now that I'm older, I'm no longer scared of them, I can understand why girls go crazy for them. Their elaborate outfits, long luscious manes and beautifully painted faces are fantasies for so many. So, I decided to donate most of them to charities, in hopes that some other girls who are not afraid of dolls, would treasure them, play with them and dream of having a beautiful wardrobe with these dolls. I kept 3 of them. They are now up on Ebay for auction. Burberry Barbie Designer Collection. Hanae Mori Barbie Designer Collection. Silkstone 3rd Lingerie Barbie Fashion Model Collection. If you are a Barbie collector, they would be a great addition to your display. And, happy 60th birthday to Barbie (of course I didn't know about it, was informed by a friend).

I am in love with the wardrobe of the TV series Gossip Girl. In the episode "The Wild Brunch", Serena was wearing a necklace/purse that has a vintage vibe to it, it was absolutely adorable. Upon some googling, I found out that her purse was designed by Judith Bright.

When I came across this Lumured purse, it immediately reminded me of the one in Gossip Girl. The chain isn't as long and the size is larger, but the design of this vintage purse is just gorgeous. Cream colored beads line the outside of the bag with golden heart shaped filigree frame and chain. Wear this precious piece out to a romantic evening or just to spice up a bohemian inspired dress.
